These cages are made to our specifications based on 25+ years of rabbitry experience to provide the most comfortable, healthy and easy to keep and clean facility for your house rabbit and show rabbits.
WE DO NOT HAVE THESE CAGES AVAILABLE AT OUR RABBITRY. So PLEASE, if you have an appointment to buy a rabbit from us, you must order your cage in advance thru EMAIL only (not by phone calls or in person). These cages are only available at these discounts thru this web site and the email link provided here. We provide such discounts on our superior built custom cages because we do not have them in a store front, our overhead is less so you save $$$! They are shipped direct from our custom shop to your door upon payment.
Cage dimensions 30 x 36 x 18", Constructed using 14 Gauge Wire
Each Cage Comes Complete With: Urine Guards, Deep 2 1/2" Galvanized Metal RefuseTray, Inter-locking Legs, Bottom Support & Tray Slides. All doors are heavily reinforced & swing out for safety. The Feature I love about these cages is the door opening is floor level; Meaning no curb to catch & hurt bunnies feet or legs when lifting bunny in & out of cages.
When cages are used as a Single We recomend Placement of a large Carpet Square on top of cage. This is great for resting bunny toys, treats & food .
"My Favorite Rabbit Cage " Please email for current pricing
BUNNY TRANSPORT CAGES:14 Guage Wire, Solid Dividers Deep Metal Refuse Tray, Top Opening. -2 Hole Cage 18" x 16" x 12" us for current pricing -4 Hole Cage 28" x 16" x 12" us for current pricing
Please cut/paste your selection into an email to us to order, along with your name, UPS address & zip. Thanks! New Books: * A practical beginning to successful rabbit raising $5.00 57pages, w/ photos, soft cover(sc) * Raising rabbits successfully; bob bennet $ pages w/ photos & illustrations * All the info you need to raise healthy rabbits $15.00 134pp SC 60 color photos + * Rabbits, a complete pet owner's manual , barrons pub. sc $10.00 ; 65 pp * Rabbits, by m. f. Roberts; sc. 80 pp 16 color photos $10.00 * Your Rabbit, A kids guide to raising and showing- Nancy searle; storey pub.$18.00 * Arba Presents: official guidebook to raising better rabbits sc, 192pp $12.00 * Hop to it; a guide to training your pet rabbit illustrations & over 50 color photos sc, $15.00 * House Rabbit Handbook; how to live with an urban rabbit, sc, $16.00 * Lop Rabbits as pets; sandy crook; HC; over 100+ color photos $30.00 * Angora Wool Ranching- w. Otto & HB burden, sc $15.00 * Otto's Angora's : Q & A's; SC $18.00 * All about Rabbits-HC. Howard hirschorn,98 pp, color photos throughout, $18.00 * Complete book on housetraining Rabbits, sc ST Perkan, $12.00 * Selecting and Raising Rabbits; Info Booklet sc, $5.00 * FRM Rabbit Care Guide large booklet/ pamphlet $4.00 * Rabbits : selection, housing, breeding, feeding, marketing, health, booklet sc, $5.00 PREVIOUSLY READ, (NON SMOKING HOME) * Rabbits,Paul Paradise; HC, selection, housing, breeding, feeding, health $10. lots of color photos throughout. * All about Rabbits- SC. Howard hirschorn,98 pp, color photos throughout, $9.00 * Guide to owning a rabbit: housing , feeding, breeding , health care, showing: Anne Lindsey. PB,65 pp tons of color full page photos. $12.00 * Basic Angora wool Farming ; sc Carl Nagel $16.00 Out Of Print, New-Never opened:COMPLETELY ANGORA THE 2ND EDITION, 1996, PRINTED IN CANADA: O.O.P./ (Out of print for years now )- contact us for availability of brand new stowed away copy, average Price/IF available $225. American Funds ( S/h/i VT tax additional cost as applicable.) (availability not promised) Please send me an email to place an order for this wonderful book. ![]()
Nest Boxes:Solid Steel Easy to clean, Lightweight, Sturdy. Large 11" x 17" x 8" regular 8" x 12" x 8" ________________ Rabbit Feeders:
Galv. metal, Rivited Wire Hanger Attachments Hinged covers. Size: 3 3/4" #50187 Slotted Bottom 5 1/2" #50136 Slotted Bottom _________________ Plastic Water Bottles:
Comes complete with drinking tube & cap #6201 32 oz bottle #6202 16 oz bottle
___________________ Yes, We Offer Foot Relaxer Floor Inserts!![]()
This Is Exactly what your Bunny Has been asking you for! These Wonderful inserts snap into existing wire cage floors & provide rest & healing to tired sore hocks. You will want one of these in each cage! Provide Exceptional Results for healing red raw feet & hocks. Easily removable & clean up in soapy bleach water. Size 10x15" (Imported from Spain) __________________ Replacement Parts Are Available for Cages -Please email for specific item/price- ____________________________Shipping & Handling is Additional on All Items Please email us for Prices & Availability Subject to Change without Written Notice
PLEASE NOTE: -These Special Prices are for Web orders only-
*Please verify Your Cage, Rabbit Supply and s/h/i Cost when you email us your order* All Order inquiries Must Include UPS delivery Address w/Zip code. -Thanks so much- Mountainspun Farm
E Mail Us Your order, its best to cut/paste our item description into your email, be sure you include your full name, UPS address et...
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Our Buisness Is Keeping Every Bunny Happy!
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Mtnspun Farm thanks You For visiting Our Cage Pagetimes.
since we are busy Sheep farming, Fiber Crafting and raising hares we do not always get to make price increases / changes to inventory on our web site as often as we should. please forgive us and take notice: All prices and inventory are subject to change without written notification. please email us for current prices - availability verifications and inventory updates when ordering from us thank you.
Mountainspun Angora & Fiber Arts Eweporium
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