Contact Mountainspun Shetland Sheep Farm Be sure you include your name and UPS address, and name/description of items you wish to buy-Back to Mountainspun Farm's home page
Thank EWE for your order!
Here is just a small sampling of what is available From Fiber Arts Eweporium Studios. Want an item sent to you via UPS? Click here to Email us,
Contact Mountainspun Shetland Sheep Farm Be sure you include your name and UPS address, and name/description of items you wish to buy-
Once we get your request we will We will email you back an E-invoice - s/h/i and tax if applicable
We are primarily a email & web order shop, however we occasionally participate in sheep and wool festivals and other crafty events. Thank EWE for your order! !
http://mountainspunfarm.tripod.com ©2009
plenty of dynafines in stock 2, just ask what's avail. many more designs are in!